<div class="con_dqwz">您的当前位置:<a href="/">首页</a> >> <a href="/goods/">产品中心</a>
{webmeng:foreach from=$catNavigation item=v/}
>> <a href="/goods/list_{webmeng:$v.cat_id/}.html">{webmeng:$v.cat_name/}
{webmeng:/foreach/} </div>
$app_id = $this->app_id;
$data['accounts'] = $this->db->fetch("select * from ".WEBMENG_CONMENG."user where id='".$app_id."' ",true);
$settings = array();
$sets = $this->db->fetch("select * from ".WEBMENG_CONMENG."settings ");
foreach ($sets as $v) {
$webmeng[$v['variable']] = $v;
$data['webmeng'] = $webmeng; /*获取内页调用系统信息如LOGO 网站名称*/
$catid = isset($url[1])?$url[1]:0;
$catIdList = $this->db->fetch("select cat_id from Webmeng_category_goods where sort_path like '%,".$catid.",%'");
$catListOR = array();
foreach ($catIdList as $catId) {
$catListOR[] = " catid = ". $catId['cat_id']." ";
// var_dump($catListOR);
$sql = "select * from ".WEBMENG_CONMENG."goods where status>'0' and lid='cn' and (".implode("or", $catListOR).")";
// var_dump($sql);
$result = page_for_db_extend($sql);
$data['info_reslut'] = $result['data'];
$data['showpage'] = $result['page'];
// $sql = "select * from ".WEBMENG_CONMENG."goods where lid='cn' and catid='".$catid."' and status>'0' ";
// $result = page_for_db_extend($sql);
// $data['info_reslut'] = $result['data'];
// $data['showpage'] = $result['page'];
$sort_path = $this->db->fetch("select sort_path from Webmeng_category_goods where cat_id = ".$catid,true);
// var_dump($sort_path);
// var_dump(rtrim($sort_path['sort_path'],","));
$catNavigationList = $this->db->fetch("select cat_id,cat_name from Webmeng_category_goods where cat_id in (".rtrim($sort_path['sort_path'],",").")");
// var_dump($catNavigation);
$data['catNavigation'] = $catNavigationList;
// var_dump($sort_path);
// var_dump($catNavigationList);
// exit;
$data['category_name'] = $this->db->fetch("select a.*,b.* from ".WEBMENG_CONMENG."goods a left join ".WEBMENG_CONMENG."category_goods b on a.catid=b.cat_id where a.catid='".$catid."' ",true);
来自:官网分享 | 作者:来自网络 |